Monday, February 28, 2011

She Isn't Always This Cute

If you have a dog, or ever had a dog in your life, there's a moment in time when you truly fall in love with them. This photo was that moment for me, the one that made me realize I was about to become a sucker for Libby.

This week, Libby turned one. If I wasn't so crazy tired right now, I would tell you the whole story. It's a long one. There is heartache and destruction involved.

But I'm too tired to relive it. I would cry and it would keep me up. You would wonder why she still lived here. You would wonder how it is she still lives.

I'll tell you tomorrow. Libby wants to go to bed now.

Good night.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Dog is King

Those Westminster mutts ain't got nothin' on my dog.
Sure, they have poise and grace.

And some could pass as Louie's identical twin.

Okay...and some have hotter owners than Louie.

But my lazy Louie is better.

He can eat ice cream on his birthday while those other snobby show dogs eat yucky dog food.

Louie has a charm even Westminster can't top.

And in our house, Louie lives like a king.

Louie's Mom