Here he is, our new beagle. I knew this day would come, and when it finally did it was with mixed emotions. I still miss Roxie desperately, but life is too short to not have a dog in your life to love. See how happy he is with Stevie? Hi Louie, I'm thinking about plucking your eyes out just like I did to this dandelion.
Louie came to be a Jameson after a casual Friday night over cocktails. His owner was a jackass who didn't deserve him. I didn't really tell him that, but after finding out Louie was headed to Death Row, there was no other choice but to bring him home to live with us. What kind of nut believes that dogs are disposable?
We've been Louie's lucky new family for about 6 weeks now. He's been pruned and zapped a few times to keep him in the yard, but he loves us nonetheless. And we love him. You'll be hearing a lot about Louie...just wanted you to meet face-to-face.